The owner and publisher of Sanamed journal is Association of medical doctors “Sanamed” Novi Pazar, Serbia

Association of medical doctors „Sanamed” Novi Pazar

Association of medical doctors „Sanamed“ Novi Pazar, is a non-profit, non-government society, located in Novi Pazar, in the region in the south-east Serbia, whose main goal is to promote medical science. The goals of the association are also the improvement of the medical profession and science through the organization of professional meetings and publishing activities, the realization of educational programs, as well as the goals related to the protection of ecological human rights and education about the right to a healthy environment, as well as the protection of that right and the realization of environmental protection programs and human rights in general.

A multidisciplinary team of medical doctors, met to jointly create and implement research projects in all areas of medical sciences, to be stimulus for doctors in publishing professional and scientific papers, as much as to stimulate researcher spirit of young doctors.

Enthusiasts who founded the Association of medical doctors Sanamed are the main initiators and founders of Sanamed medical journal.

                                                  Board of Directors



Prim.dr Avdo Ćeranić  

contact email: avdoceranic@gmail.com       


dr Mehmed Mujdragić

 contact email: mehmed.mujdragic@gmail.com


dr  Merima Ćeranić

contact email: mericca@gmail.com                           



Association of medical doctors „Sanamed”

Palih boraca 52, 36300 Novi Pazar, Serbia

phone: +381 20 383 700

email: sanamednp2006@gmail.com, sanamednp@gmail.com

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